exercise and the gut
diet aside, exercise has the power to change the composition of your gut microbes and how they function. Before you grab your trainers…we’re going to give you a brief run down on how.
Exercising too hard and/or without sufficient recovery, can cause excessive stress and have a negative effect on both your microbes and immune system. Want to know more about what types of exercise are best? There’s more in our further reading below!
Exercise promotes the increased production of short chain fatty acids (SCFA). Stay with us… SCFA are super important, they provide immune support, which affects how well the blood-brain barrier functions, provides energy for your gut cells (colonocytes) and generally help your gut to function well.
Exercise also promotes the number of beneficial bacteria taking up residence in your gut and we know that greater bacterial diversity supports a healthier gut.

the overall consensus is that exercise is important for a healthy gut, whether it’s hitting the dance floor or a gym class – your gut likes you to move