We don’t always think about the importance of keeping hydrated for our gut, but it’s MEGA important, we take you through exactly why below.

our top takeaways
simple swap
Swap fizzy preservative laden drinks for kombucha, home–made iced herbal tea or fizzy water with herbs.
myth bust
Lemon water ‘detoxifies’ your liver. False, providing everything is working as it should, your body will always be detoxifying, you don’t need lemon water to do that.
Dehydration is one of the most common reasons behind constipation (not always, but often). Upping your fluid intake could help get things moving (alongside our favourite – fibre). If you aren’t getting enough fluid, your body will absorb it from whatever is in your large intestine, causing your stools to become hard and difficult to pass. If your stools are sitting around in your large intestine, this isn’t going to create a welcome environment for your beneficial gut microbes….you don’t want that!
Pay attention to your fluid intake. You need around 1.5 litres a day. You may need more depending on your fibre intake, climate, if exercising during pregnancy, how much you weigh and if breastfeeding.

Get to know your gut
with our gut diary
Check out our gut diarydisclaimer: The information on this website is provided as an information resource only and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic, treatment or medical purpose. All health issues should be discussed with your GP and/or other qualified medical professional.